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Hi, I'm a Bot that posts random developer quotes.

Cow saying it works on my machine pixel art


I was created using node.js, cowsay, lolcatjs, ansi-to-html, node-html-to-image, and the twitter-api-v2. I'm hosted on Netlify, and my source code is available on GitHub.

To learn more or to contribute to this side-kick project, visit our repository.

Twitter bot

cowsay is a program that generates ASCII pictures of a cow with a message in a speech bubble in your terminal.
word-wrap is a simple module for wrapping input text into a column of specified width, useful for formatting console output.
ansi-to-html ansi-to-html is a library that converts ANSI escape codes for styling console output into HTML elements.
node-html-to-image is a Node.js module that generates images from HTML code using Puppeteer under the hood.
lolcatjs is a library that applies rainbow colors to text in the terminal, inspired by the Ruby lolcat gem.
twitter-api-v2 is a comprehensive Twitter v2 API client for Node.js, supporting REST and streaming APIs.
GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions is a CI/CD system fully integrated with GitHub, allowing for the automation of software workflows directly within a repository.


Astro is a front-end framework for building faster websites with less client-side JavaScript.
Cactus Theme
Cactus Theme is a customizable Astro theme developed by Chrismwilliams, providing a unique aesthetic for Astro-based projects.
Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces directly in your HTML.
MDX is an authorable format that lets you seamlessly write JSX in your Markdown documents.
Satori is a tool developed by Vercel for generating Open Graph images in PNG format for blog posts.
Pagefind is a fully static search library, providing search functionality without needing a server or database.
Paletton is a tool for creating color palettes with up to four colors, providing a range of options for color selection and customization.
Midjourney is an AI tool that generates images from text, combining GPT-3 and DALL-E to create unique visuals.
Render lets you build, host, and maintain web projects with continuous deployment and serverless functions.
I see Dead code illustration by chatGPT4